

Peak GeoSolutions (PeakGeo) is an established construction management company with an extensive client base in the solid waste industry. We currently provides a comprehensive set of construction services to landfill operators in the Western United States and have done so for over sixteen years on over 100 geotechnical construction projects, encompassing over 60 million square-feet of geosynthetics.

PeakGeo was established and incorporated in May 1993 as Peak Laboratories Inc, strictly performing third party independent laboratory testing for the geosynthetics industry on solid waste and mining construction projects. In 1996 we expanded our services to include construction management, construction quality assurance (CQA) and soils testing. We again, expanded our services in 2008 to include geo-electrical liner integrity and leak location surveys. Today PeakGeo prepares contract documents, administers construction contracts, provides on-site construction management, develops and implements on-site CQA programs, performs laboratory and field testing of soils and geosynthetics, and performs liner integrity (LIS) and leak location surveys (LLS).

Let PeakGeo take a vested interested in your containment construction project and establish an environment of teamwork and commitment with all parties involved. We guide our clients throughout, anticipate problems, develop and recommend solutions, maintain quality standards, and will take the leading role in the successful completion of any project.




JOhn Stein

Co-founder of Peak GeoSolutions and currently serves as CEO in addition to providing a variety of on and off-site CQA and construction management services.   John Stein has been a member of the construction management or CQA team on over 60 geotechnical construction projects totaling over $300 million.

✉ jstein@peakgeo.com



bill hensley

Co-founder of Peak GeoSolutions and currently serves as chief financial officer, in addition to providing on–site CQA, construction management and field laboratory services.  Bill Hensley has been a member of the construction management or CQA team on over 60 geotechnical construction projects totaling over $300 million. 

✉ bhensley@peakgeo.com



Bill Hurley

Bill Hurley is a civil engineer/construction manager with over 20 years construction management, resident engineering, construction materials testing, and construction quality assurance experience.   Bill Hurley has been a member of the engineer design, construction management, or CQA team on over 40 geotechnical construction and environmental remediation projects totaling over $800 million.

✉ bhurley@gmail.com




Riley kernan - CQA technician/laboratory manager

A dedicated CQA team member since 2017 and experienced laboratory manager. Riley oversees all soil, geosynthetic, and construction material testing on-site and in the lab.

✉ rkernan@peakgeo.com